A national network of universities committed to transforming lives and places
The Civic University Network and the National Civic Impact Accelerator (NCIA) are pioneering initiatives harnessing the collective power of the higher education sector to drive societal, economic, and environmental advancements in the places they call home.
Led by Sheffield Hallam University in partnership with a consortium of leading institutions and organisations, we help universities across the UK work for the good of their places, deepen their civic impact and amplify their contributions.
We also work with governments and strategic partners to ensure that a university’s geographic role and responsibility is used more effectively as an agent to drive positive societal change.
Upcoming and recent events
Browse and sign-up to our exciting programme of events here. Missed out? Don’t worry, we record most of our events so you can catch-up on demand.
Collaborative Newcastle Universities Agreement Showcase
Postponed: watch this space!Postponed: watch this space!
Bringing partners together to discuss how the Civic University Agreement was developed, the writing process, and its implementation.
How well does your university resource its civic activities?
There’s growing enthusiasm for universities’ civic role, and an increasing number of university staff have ‘civic’ responsibilities. But we don’t yet have a clear picture of the resources that support this work. That’s why we’re inviting you to share your experiences and views in a new survey. Please spread the word to relevant colleagues and partners in HE institutions – thank you!
Civic Impact
Our mission is to assist universities throughout the UK to establish effective collaborations with other stakeholders to benefit their local communities.
Universities can contribute to the places they call home in various ways, which we describe as the domains of Civic Impact.
We have identified seven domains of Civic Impact, and we support universities to devise and implement effective strategies to make significant, positive differences in their local communities.
Latest news
Six innovative civic projects funded through the National Civic Impact Accelerator
Six university-led partnerships will receive a share of £60,000 to advance their civic engagement initiatives thanks to innovation funding from National Civic Impact Accelerator (NCIA) programme. The (NCIA) is ...
New Essay Collection on the Transformative Civic Role of Universities Launched in Memory of Lord Bob Kerslake
The UPP Foundation has today (Wednesday 10 July) launched a new collection of essays from leading thinkers across different sectors outlining the economic and social benefits universities have on their ...
CiviCon24: Driving Civic Engagement in Higher Education
The National Civic Impact Accelerator is thrilled to announce CiviCon24, a groundbreaking conference that will bring together leaders, professionals, and academics from across the higher education sector to explore ...
Sheffield Hallam and partners awarded £3.7m to support universities to maximise their local impact
Sheffield Hallam and its partners have been awarded £3.7m to support universities across the country to develop their civic leadership, maximising their local social and economic impact and helping to ...