Partner Group
The Civic University Network is supported by a Partner Group of experts from across the Higher Education and community and public engagement sectors. The group meets regularly to support, advise and oversee the delivery of the Network’s programme of activities.

Richard is Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Strategy & Operations) at Sheffield Hallam University, and Chair of the Civic University Network Partner Group. Richard was previously Director General for Strategy and Resources at the Department for Education. Richard has over 30 years’ of experience both in Whitehall and internationally, covering senior policy, programme and operational roles. Richard leads the civic agenda at Sheffield Hallam and was instrumental in establishing the South Yorkshire Futures programme in 2017.

Professor Alison Blunt is Deputy Vice Principal for Impact (Culture, Civic & Community) and Professor of Geography at Queen Mary University of London. Alison is founding co-director of the Centre for Studies of Home, a partnership between Queen Mary and the Museum of the Home, and is vice-chair of governors at Drapers’ Academy, which is co-sponsored by Queen Mary and the Drapers’ Livery Company.

Richard Brabner was appointed Head of UPP Foundation in July 2016 and was promoted to Director in 2018. Working with the trustees, he sets its strategy and leads on all aspects of the UPP Foundation’s activities. Richard joined UPP in 2015 as Business Development Manager and his responsibilities included setting up the UPP Foundation.Prior to joining UPP, he was Head of Policy at the University of Hertfordshire, advising the Vice-Chancellor and senior management team and leading the University’s public affairs function.

Simon is Deputy Pro-Vice-Chancellor (DPVC) leading on Regional Engagement at the University of Birmingham, and Director of the West Midlands Regional Economic Development Institute (WMREDI) and City-REDI at Birmingham Business School, where he was Dean 2012-2016. He has held various roles, including: Chair of the Chartered Association of Business Schools, member of the ESRC Council and the GBS Chamber of Commerce Council.

Professor Ed Ferrari is the Director of the Centre for Regional Economic and Social Research (CRESR) at Sheffield Hallam University. Ed’s expertise is in urban and regional policy, including housing and transport policy. He has worked closely with and for local and city regional governments and is a strong proponent of partnerships between universities and city regional policy makers.

John Goddard
John Goddard OBE is Professor of Universities and Cities based in CityREDI/WMREDI in Birmingham where he is leading a programme of policy orientated research on the role of universities in city and regional development. John is also Emeritus Professor of Regional Development Studies at Newcastle University. He acted as Vice Chair of the Civic University Commission and co-author of Guide to Preparing Civic University Agreements.

Philippa Lloyd is Vice-Principal for Policy and Strategic Partnerships at Queen Mary University London, focusing on policy and partnership development at the local, regional and international level. Philippa oversees the university’s work on social impact and sustainability, civic responsibility, and public engagement.

Paul Manners is the Policy Director of the National Co-ordinating Centre for Public Engagement (NCCPE). He has 12 years’ experience of high level influencing and leadership of HE public engagement, and has built extensive networks across the sector. He advises a number of national organisations on learning and engagement, including the National Trust as the chair of their Advisory Group on Collections and Interpretation.

Des McNulty is an Honorary Fellow in Civic Partnership and Place Leadership at the University of Glasgow, having
developed as Assistant Vice Principal the university’s civic strategy and its engagement with the city region economic strategy and Glasgow’s social recovery taskforce. Before returning to academia in 2012, he held senior posts in the Scottish Government, the Scottish Parliament and local government.
developed as Assistant Vice Principal the university’s civic strategy and its engagement with the city region economic strategy and Glasgow’s social recovery taskforce. Before returning to academia in 2012, he held senior posts in the Scottish Government, the Scottish Parliament and local government.

Emily Morrison is the Head of the Institute of Community Studies at The Young Foundation. She previously worked for the British Council where she developed the global research portfolio, spanning internationally comparative research into youth voice and policy, education, civil society, and culture. Emily has led and conducted research world-wide and previously held professional and academic positions at University College London and King’s College London.

Professor Jane Robinson is Newcastle University’s first Pro-Vice Chancellor for Engagement & Place Strategy and led the development of their Civic University Agreement. Previously, Jane was COO at Durham University and CEX of Gateshead Council. Newcastle University has a long tradition as a civic university and a commitment to benefit the communities we service economically, socially, culturally and environmentally.