
Session Recording

Watch a recording of the session here, and tell us what you think on ‘the place space‘, our conference discussion board.

Session Details

Tuesday 18 May: 15:00 – 16:30

Universities often sit in places with low educational attainment. Much energy is spent on widening participation activity. However, poor attainment remains a significant barrier to young people achieving their potential.

The session will explore how Sheffield Hallam University is working with partners to drive up educational attainment and progression in South Yorkshire.

Supporting Material

Background Reading

South Yorkshire Futures

Read more about South Yorkshire Futures, Sheffield Hallam University’s Social Mobility Partnership.

Latest News

The Early Years Community Research Centre (EYCRC)

Learn about an innovative new Sheffield Hallam University-led project set to transform early years education and care.

Session Hosts

<strong>Professor Sir Chris Husbands</strong>
Professor Sir Chris Husbands
Professor Sir Chris Husbands is a university leader, academic, educationist and public servant. He has served as Vice-Chancellor of Sheffield Hallam University since January 2016.
A Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences, he has undertaken senior roles in universities for over fifteen years, as Head of the Institute of Education at Warwick University (2000-3), as Dean of Education and Lifelong Learning at the University of East Anglia (2003-7), as Dean of Faculty and then Director of the Institute of Education (2007-15) and as Vice-Provost at University College London (2014-15). In 2018, Sir Chris was awarded a knighthood in the Queen’s Birthday Honours for services to higher education.

Session Speakers

<strong>Angela Foulkes</strong>
Angela Foulkes
Angela is Chief Executive and Principal of The Sheffield College. Angela is an experienced further and higher education practitioner with an authoritative understanding of the regulatory requirements of both Ofsted and the Office for Students, the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education, safeguarding, awarding bodies and validating partners. Angela’s wealth of experience, knowledge and expertise in further education includes significant knowledge across a broad range of curriculum and student support services.
<strong>Stephanie Douglas</strong>
Stephanie Douglas
Stephanie is the Head of Service for Early Years at Doncaster Borough Council and an independent educational consultant working in schools, early years provision and Children’s Centres, with a specialism in early years.
Stephanie passionately believes that high quality experiences in early years education should be the expectation for every child and that they identify and treasure individuality, potential and imagination through a rich learning experience based on exploration and play. It is her goal to enthuse and impassion, assist and develop, challenge and progress colleagues in the joint mission to raise standards of effectiveness in practice and provision.
<strong>Greg Burke</strong>
Greg Burke
Greg is Director of South Yorkshire Futures and the Civic University Network, at Sheffield Hallam University. Until he took up his current post, Greg worked as a senior Civil Servant in the Department for Education. He has worked in a wide range of roles in central government which have included both policy and delivery. He has operated at both the national and regional level, working on a range of education policy. He has wide experience of delivery in a complex political environment.
<strong>Sarah Ahmed</strong>
Sarah Ahmed
Sarah Ahmed has recently joined the University of Huddersfield as Head of Division for Education; Secondary and Lifelong Learning. Prior to this, Sarah has been teaching within a Sheffield sixth form school. With almost 15 years of experience, her roles have ranged from Initial Teacher Training Coordinator, Head of Department and an Associate Assistant Headteacher. Since studying a master’s degree in Teaching and Learning from Oxford University, Sarah has focused on community cohesion and has supported events held by local organisations such as Family Voice, she has been successful in building relationships with BAME communities and supports the educational success of BAME students. Sarah has led a range of workshops to educators and Trainee Teachers, striving for an anti-racist education for all. Sarah is passionate about equality and representation within education, she has taken part in the ‘Diverse Leaders’ course as part of Yorkshire Leadership Community and has also worked with the University of Sheffield and Sheffield Hallam with the aim of recruiting more BAME teachers. Sarah hopes to see more BAME representation in leadership roles and to exemplify to young people that ‘it is possible’.

Explore all conference sessions

The civic movement: universities working in partnership

Tuesday 18 May, 09:00-10:10

The civic role of universities from a variety of perspectives.

The contribution of universities to inclusive regional growth

Tuesday 18 May, 10:30-12:00

Examining the role of universities in inclusive regional growth and the benefits of regional stakeholder collaboration.

Civic universities & sustainability

Tuesday 18 May, 13:00-14:30

Exploring the importance of the relationship between universities and their civic partners in driving forward green recovery.

The role of universities in boosting educational attainment for all ages

Tuesday 18 May, 15:00-16:30

Exploring the ways universities are working within their place to drive up educational attainment and progression.

The art of place: the civic role of universities and the cultural sector beyond the pandemic

Wednesday 19 May, 09:00-10:00

Perspectives from sector leaders on the importance of a creative place-based agenda beyond the pandemic.

COVID, communities & change: what role for HE in the 'new normal' for the wider civic sector

Wednesday 19 May, 10:30-12:00

Exploring the impact of COVID-19 on communities and subsequent sector response.

Civic universities around the world

Wednesday 19 May, 13:00-14:30

Sharing international experience in establishing learning networks of universities committed to contributing to their local communities through collaboration, including the role of transactional organisations.

Reimagining the relationship between universities & the NHS

Thursday 20 May, 09:15-10:30

Exploring the valuable relationship between universities & the NHS to maximise collective benefits to society & the economy.

Measuring & enhancing civic impacts

Thursday 20 May, 11:00-12:30

A review of approaches to capturing, measuring and enhancing university civic activity and the introduction of a new self-evaluation impact tool.

The importance of the Civic University Network in place based strategy

Thursday 20 May, 13:00-14:30

A discussion on the future role of the Civic University Network in driving the civic mission.

The inaugural Civic University Network conference is a free virtual event which will take place from the 18-20 May 2021.

Registration closed at 12:00 on Thursday 13 May 2021, but don’t worry, we plan to share recordings of the event and will update this page with the details soon.