Session Recording
Watch a recording of the session here, and tell us what you think on ‘the place space‘, our conference discussion board.
Session Details
Tuesday 18 May: 10:30 – 12:00
Through local investment, engaged research and educational programmes universities support inclusive growth in their host regions.
Universities invest significantly in assets and facilities which support jobs, stimulate innovation and promote culture and the arts for local communities. Widening access to education and learning improves lifetime opportunities for people from more deprived areas. University-based R&D and expertise attracts inward-investors and supports regional employment-creation. However, these contributions vary considerably from place-to-place and our understanding of how they compare with and complement the contributions of other anchor institutions remains limited. This conference session will explore the role that universities play in inclusive growth, through various pathways to impact. It will also aim to promote a better understanding of the benefits generated by universities, particularly in collaboration with other regional stakeholders.
Supporting Material
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The inaugural Civic University Network conference is a free virtual event which will take place from the 18-20 May 2021.
Registration closed at 12:00 on Thursday 13 May 2021, but don’t worry, we plan to share recordings of the event and will update this page with the details soon.