Our latest webinar took place on 5 March in partnership with the Confederation of School Trusts (CST) Chaired by Lord Kerslake, the webinar included an opening statement from each speaker followed by a panel discussion and Q&A with the audience.

The panel included:

Lord Robert Kerslake (Chair): Chair of the Civic University Commission. Twitter @SirBobKerslake

Leora Cruddas: Chief Executive Officer, Confederation of School Trusts (CST). Twitter @LeoraCruddas

Chris Day: Vice Chancellor, Newcastle University. Twitter @prof_chrisday

Lucy Heller: Chief Executive, Ark Schools. Twitter @ArkSchools

Jonathan Simons: Director at Public First and Head of the Education Practice. Twitter @jonathansimons

There was some fantastic discussion and debate, which can be viewed again by watching the recording below.