Our latest webinar, jointly delivered by the Civic University Network and Arts Council England, heard from leaders across the university and Arts and Culture sector.
Hosted by Jane Tarr (Director, Skills and Workforces, Arts Council England) and chaired by Sukhy Johal MBE (Director of the Centre for Culture & Creativity, University of Lincoln), the webinar included an opening statement from each speaker followed by a panel discussion and Q&A with the audience.
The panel and session topics included:
Darren Henley, Chief Executive, Arts Council England – exploring the relationship between universities and the cultural sector, and the growing importance of place-based approaches.
Vee Pollock, Dean of Culture and Creative Arts at Newcastle University – sharing her experience of developing a Cultural Compact with partners in Newcastle, and the challenges and opportunities of this strategic approach.
Sarah Dance, Chair of Creative Estuary, Creative Producer and Director of England’s #CreativeCoast, Deputy Chair South East LEP and Co-Chair SECEN
Prof. Catherine Richardson, Director, Institute of Cultural and Creative Industries – jointly discussing how they established the wide partnership of Creative Estuary, sharing what has worked well and what lessons have been learnt in the process.
Andrew Barnett OBE, UK branch Director of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation – reflecting on the sector’s perspective of the civic role of arts organisations and how universities can best support and engage with this agenda.
The recording is available to watch below
Webinar outputs
During the webinar a number of useful links and invitations to other related events were mentioned in the chat. These can be downloaded below
Continue the conversation
We will be running a session called ‘The Art of Place, the civic role of universities and the cultural sector beyond the pandemic’ at our free to attend, virtual conference in May. Click below for more information
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